Insideout - Picture and the Bigger picture
Writing my first blog. This idea of starting up a blog has been long lingering inside me. It got direction today when a thought just struck me about how some people live for the picture and some for the bigger picture.
Just coming home from a wonderful dinner of soup, fresh veggie salad and yummy Mexican sizzle with my parents. Saw a group of married couples sitting at the other table chattering about some things (basically creating noise). I just happened to notice the way one of the females was dressed. With no offense to anyone and i also know the freedom that each one has to dress the way they want but still I felt that the way the female was dressed didn't really suit her (again freedom of speech even I have). Considering the size she was she was wearing blue capris and a white 'body hugging' tee. Sure white tshirt and blue denim never go out of fashion but it was really not looking good on her. So basically the reason to elaborate and describe her was how i thought about how Some Peope Live for the Picture and Some for the Bigger Picture.
Many people these days follow the trends and wear and behave what they see around weather its suits their social surrounding, their work their family basically them. The only thing people have in mind is they look young rather younger than what they are in the 'Picture i.e photograph' and put it upon FB. In this show business people have forgotten to live their lives and forgotten to look at the Bigger Picture called REAL LIFE. I really pity those people and really wish them to look at the larger picture. Sure you should look in the process because when you look good you feel good and you will probably do good work. I'm sure all people are not the same and surely dont only look at the 'picture'.
Just new to writing things down. Have penned down how ever it came down. Hope to improve on it.
Writing my first blog. This idea of starting up a blog has been long lingering inside me. It got direction today when a thought just struck me about how some people live for the picture and some for the bigger picture.
Just coming home from a wonderful dinner of soup, fresh veggie salad and yummy Mexican sizzle with my parents. Saw a group of married couples sitting at the other table chattering about some things (basically creating noise). I just happened to notice the way one of the females was dressed. With no offense to anyone and i also know the freedom that each one has to dress the way they want but still I felt that the way the female was dressed didn't really suit her (again freedom of speech even I have). Considering the size she was she was wearing blue capris and a white 'body hugging' tee. Sure white tshirt and blue denim never go out of fashion but it was really not looking good on her. So basically the reason to elaborate and describe her was how i thought about how Some Peope Live for the Picture and Some for the Bigger Picture.
Many people these days follow the trends and wear and behave what they see around weather its suits their social surrounding, their work their family basically them. The only thing people have in mind is they look young rather younger than what they are in the 'Picture i.e photograph' and put it upon FB. In this show business people have forgotten to live their lives and forgotten to look at the Bigger Picture called REAL LIFE. I really pity those people and really wish them to look at the larger picture. Sure you should look in the process because when you look good you feel good and you will probably do good work. I'm sure all people are not the same and surely dont only look at the 'picture'.
Just new to writing things down. Have penned down how ever it came down. Hope to improve on it.
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